属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东西方 "欢喜冤家"
1 | 总之,BREW作为一种单一的、开放的技术平台,为运营商和开发商提供了广阔的舞台, | In essence , as a single and open technology platform, the BREW provides a wide stage for the operators and developers. | |
2 | ||1:半个世纪以来,计算机产业发展的本质就是花钱更少,成事更多。||2:摩尔定律的著名论断是:能够放入某空间内的晶体管数量每18个月翻一番。||3:储存的数据也有着类似的增长速率,但是随着部件越来越小,它们的制造难度和成本也逐渐增加。||4: 5月10日,美国芯片巨头因特尔总裁兼CEOPaul Otellini宣布将花费上百亿美元建设新工厂。 | ||1: FOR half a century, the essence of progress in the computer industry has been to do more with less. ||2: Moore’s law famously observes that the number of transistors which can be crammed into a given space doubles every 18 months. ||3: The amount of data that can be stored has grown at a similar rate. Yet as components get smaller, making them gets harder and more expensive. ||4: On May 10th Paul Otellini, the boss of Intel, a big American chipmaker, put the price of a new chip factory (known as a fab) at around $10 billion. | |
3 | ||1:可这毕竟是坎大哈市。这座进出口贸易城市坐落在阿富汗南部,周围是一片广阔沙漠,80万人口,常年战火不断。||2:尘土飞扬,烟气滚滚,污水横流,自行车来来往往,车辆鸣笛阵阵,人力车穿行其中,破败居民楼简陋无比,集市人头攒动熙熙攘攘——这就是过去的坎大哈给人的印象。现在的坎大哈北约部队轰鸣而过,警用卡车笛音嘈杂,时不时一颗炸弹巨响;一群群表情严肃缠着头巾的男子从城外据点而来,可能是塔利班分子,却也可能不是。||3:四年内哈米迪手下两名副市长和一名警察局长遇刺身亡。||4:2009年,哈米迪开车上班途中不小心触爆路边一枚地雷。||5:当时他双眼被灰尘所迷,挣扎着从车里逃出,回头时模糊看到炸毁的车旁坐着一个人,血从那人头上滴滴流下。||6:那天,他侥幸没有被上帝召回。 | ||1: But this was Kandahar City, a sprawling desert entrepot of 800,000 people in the middle of a war, in southern Afghanistan. ||2: Its essence was dust, fumes, bicycles, raw sewage, horns, rickshaws, jerry-built apartments, teeming bazaars; and now thundering NATO convoys, blaring police trucks, the sudden whump of a bomb blast, and groups of grim turbaned men who were possibly Taliban, but possibly weren’t, from their redoubts outside the city. ||3: In four years Mr Hamidi lost two deputies and a police chief to assassinations. ||4: In 2009, driving to work, his own car triggered a roadside bomb. ||5: Staggering out and running, blinded with dust, he looked back to see a figure sitting by the wreck with blood dripping from his hands. ||6: God had not written his name on that day. | |
4 | ||1:通过再现历史风云人物的生活,米什拉讲述了国家复兴的故事,但这些风云人物为在确保亚洲“核心”的同时,如何复制西方强国的繁荣而进退两难、烦恼不已。||2:对西方世界完全陌生的两个人,他在笔墨间却倾注了很多关心。||3:一位是哲马鲁丁?阿富汗尼,就像大多数的历史人物一样“并非不加思考的照搬西方者,也非食古不化的传统者”。||4:尽管他的姓名很奇怪,美国人修整了喀布尔(阿富汗的首都)的坟墓,1838年,阿富汗尼出生在波斯(西南亚国家,现称伊朗)。||5:作为一名行走中的伊斯兰积极分子,他在埃及、印度、土耳其和俄国都呆过,他抱怨东方独裁统治的脆弱和不公,也责怪西方帝国主义的不道德,甚至试图开展泛伊斯兰教运动。||6:他有苏丹(某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)和伊朗国王的耳目。 | ||1: Mr Mishra tells the story of this resurgence through the lives of a number of pivotal figures, as they grappled with the dilemma of how to replicate the West’s power while retaining their Asian “essence”. ||2: He pays most attention to two, both little known in the West. ||3: One, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, was like most of them “neither an unthinking Westerniser, nor a devout traditionalist”. ||4: Despite his name, and despite a tomb in Kabul restored at America’s expense, al-Afghani was born in Persia in 1838. ||5: An itinerant Islamist activist, he also spent time in Egypt, India, Turkey and Russia, railing against the feebleness and injustices of Oriental despotisms and the immorality of Western imperialism, and trying to forge a Pan-Islamic movement. ||6: He had the ear of sultans and shahs. | |
5 | 希姆博尔斯卡16岁时,希特勒和斯大林瓜分了波兰。“长寿是石与树的特权。”她写道。面对瓜分,这被共党领袖称作的历史必然,即使她并非主流的异见分子,她的诗还是表现出个体不屈顽抗的本质。 | Ms Szymborska was 16 when Hitler and Stalin carved up Poland between them. “Old age was the privilege of rocks and trees,” she wrote. Although not a mainstream dissident, her poems distilled the essence of individual stubbornness in the face of what the party bosses said was historical inevitability. | |
6 | 在医药领域,速度就是核心。如果救护车晚到一分钟,病人就可能死亡了。意大利的护理人员无疑同其他国家一样行动迅速。但谈到向供应商支付时,意大利的医疗机构就慢的令人羞耻了——简直让供应商们难以生存。 | IN MEDICINE speed is of the essence. If the ambulance arrives a minute late, the patient may be dead. Italian paramedics are no doubt as swift as those in other countries. But Italy’s health-care authorities are shamefully slow when it comes to paying suppliers-making it difficult for them to survive. | |
7 | “表演在本质上给了他们一个正当的理由去学习如何表达自己。”阿伦森说。 | "Acting gives them an excuse, in essence , to learn how to express themselves, " Aronson said. | |
8 | “从本质上,美国联邦储备理事会(FED)的减息行动已增加了大宗商品市场的压力,”标准人寿的RichardBatty称。 | "In essence , the Fed’s interest rate cuts have supercharged commodities, " said Richard Batty of Standard Life. | |
9 | “高度自治”本质上是达赖集团企图恢复对西藏的政教合一统治。 | "High degree of autonomy" is in essence the attempt of Dalai Clique to restore their rule over Tibet with political and religious power. | |
10 | “以人为本”区别于“以人民为本”,但在本质上是一致的。 | The idea of "human-orientation" is different from the idea of "people first" , but they are identical in essence . | |
11 | Firesheep抓取这些cookies,让爱管闲事或恶意的用户冒充你登入网站并且拥有你账户的全部权限。 | Firesheep grabs that cookie, allowing nosy or malicious users to, in essence , be you on the site and have full access to your account. | |
12 | 本质安全型防爆火灾自动报警控制系统存在的缺陷及改进建议 | Defects in essence safety type explosion-proof fire automatic alarming control system and it’s improving suggestion | |
13 | 本质而言,ICON承担了一个复杂过程简单化过程中的接口作用。 | In essence , an icon in an interface works as a simplification for a complex process. | |
14 | 本质上,iPad就是发展到了极致的巨型iPhone。 | The iPad is, in essence , a giant iPhone on steroids. | |
15 | 本质上,该算法属于Z变换法的一种矩阵法变形。 | In essence , this algorithm is a transformation of Z-transform method combined with linear algebra method. | |
16 | 本质上,一个DALY等同于“一个本应健康的人失去的一年时间”,研究人员将结果写成报告于11月9日发布。 | In essence , one DALY equals "one year of ’healthy’ life lost, " the researchers wrote in the report released on November 9. | |
17 | 本质上,这提供给总统相当多样的选择,当然前提是有国会的批准。 | In essence , this provides a considerable range of options for the president -- with congressional approval, of course. | |
18 | 本质上讲,这个定言命令就是我们所熟知的一种道德规劝的表现:“如果人人都那样做结果会怎样?” | In essence , this categorical imperative is an expression of the oft-heard moral remonstration: ’what if everybody did that? | |
19 | 本质上说,混获就是这么来的。 | And that is, in essence , what bycatch is. | |
20 | 本质上说,你希望看到谷歌从事于那些大的产品,特色或创意? | In essence , what are the big products, features, or ideas that you would like to see Google work on? | |
21 | 产权清晰是征税的前提,物业税的实质是对不动产产权征税。 | Clear property right is the basis for tax levy, and real property tax is in essence levied on property right taxation. | |
22 | 从本质上讲,保守主义者认为,永久性要比混沌和暗夜更令人愉快。 | In essence , the conservative person is simply one who finds the permanent things more pleasing than Chaos and Old Night. | |
23 | 从本质上讲,你我的情况并非相差很远。 | In essence (= when you consider the most important points) , your situation isn’t so different from mine. | |
24 | 从本质上讲,我们好像切换到一种驶向错误方向的自动驾驶模式。 | In essence , we will switch over to autopilot in the wrong direction. | |
25 | 从本质上讲,这表明市场在暗示,美国转为日本的概率为50%。 | In essence , this reveals that the market is implying a 50% probability that the U. S. turns into Japan. | |
26 | 从本质上讲,这就是影片中Neo面对的问题。 | This in essence , is the question posed to Neo in the film. | |
27 | 从本质上看,这就是我们正在经历的事情。 | That’s what we’re seeing, in essence . | |
28 | 从本质上看,这是免费的午餐……除了你要花96000美元来操作这种模式。 | In essence , it’s free business. . . except for that $96, 000 you might be spending to get it. | |
29 | 从本质上看,这是一种并行算法。 | This method is a parallel one in essence . | |
30 | 从本质上看,这些项目、开发者和机构以一种更好更快的方式来处理成熟的、对企业商务至关重要的问题。 | In essence , these projects, developers, and organizations address mature, business-critical issues in better, faster ways. |